James from Ouimans Woodworking has a passion for wood. He was a customer from day one and is now one of our very knowledgeable canna-guides who we are stoked to have collaborated with on rolling bowls. Get to know James!
James considers himself a woodworker in training. Everything he makes is made to last a lifetime. His work is not only unique but also practical. Everything has a purpose.
How did this love for working with wood start?
My grandfather was my one and only influence in becoming a woodworker. He built his life through woodworking and I want to do the same. After his passing, I decided to carry his craft into the present day and build my own empire out of wood.
Are you a trained carpenter?
Practice, passion, the online woodworking community and pure enjoyment has helped me become the current woodworker I am - woodworker in training - and it'll be that way until the day I can no longer lift a tool. There's no ceiling when it comes to creating so I'm going to take advantage of it for the rest of my life.
Tell us about your craftsmanship?
Fine woodworking is the inspiration for my brand. Every detail matters and fine-tuning it all by hand gives that final touch you're looking for. No power tool can replace that. Not in my mind anyways.

Custom longboards made by James
How are the materials sourced?
My goal is to source and mill my own lumber. Because I mainly work with hardwood, I'm sometimes forced to look elsewhere for my lumber so I source it from many different locations and different ways.
How does cannabis play in your creative process?
I have an acquired brain injury that needs daily attention and care to have a normal life. Cannabis relieves my symptoms. It has removed all pharmaceuticals from my daily intake, which was a lot before I experimented with cannabis. Without cannabis I cannot live a normal life & I would not be able to do my woodwork. Everyday I wake up with no balance and very little feeling in my hands and most times with headaches/migraines and anxiety. My fine motor skills are nonexistent until I have my cannabis. It's pretty awesome that this beautiful flowering plant can help all those symptoms. Mind-blowing if you ask me. It allows me to be and feel normal after 16 years of recovery. So yes, I use cannabis to woodwork because it's the only way I can focus, create and stay safe using my power tools.
What do you like about Stick & Stone?
Stick and Stone has been on my radar since your journey began. So, once you opened, it was a no brainer to come on opening day and see what you created. I had no clue who you were going in but when I left, it felt like I found my people. More stories like mine. A passion and dream turned into reality. Your store has a great vibe and I can truly sense that this was more about passion than anything else. I'm a huge supporter and will always be a voice for this beautiful plant and your store.